Today marks exactly two years since our beloved Nathanael left this earth and went Home to be with Jesus. There is no person on this earth quite like Nathanael-- the sweetest, smartest, handsomest, bravest, kindest, funniest, kookiest, cutest, best husband, son, brother and friend the world may ever know. A man whose golden smile lit up the darkest night, was worth travelling the world to see. With a heart as large as the Hebredean sky and a soul as deep as the storm-tossed ocean, you were as grand and ethereal as the heathery Highlands and Emerald Isle from whence your fathers came. Dazzling and ruddy, you will not be forgotten. As this Gaelic song says: a wind in the gap that cannot be closed. We love you, sweetest N. We are so grateful you are Home now with your best friend and mother, Hilary-- aka Cho, Choey, Chobert. You two were meant to be together always-- the brightest diamond in her crown. We are deeply honored to have been your wife, father, sisters and brothers-- what a gift God gave us and has given us in every rememberance of you. By faith we gave you back to your Heavenly Father this blessed day of June 16th, which marks the passing of your time on this side of eternity. A new day dawned for you this beautiful June day. I admit, it is often hard to understand your life of great suffering and your passing so young, but He blessed you with much love and many gifts while on this earth. He showed us that you had a “good life” and so we choose see it as such. You-- the greatest gift of all-- your life-- eternal... only beginning.
This dirge is for us, not for you. For you are happy at last, and are finally reunited with those who have gone before you-- Ferriers, Murrays, Duguids, Duncans, Fitzgeralds and more... even Noah! This wee song reminds us so much of you-- all you were, suffered and endured to the end. Jesus saw it all and your reward is great. Your story inspires us to press on, to trust in the LORD with all our hearts and not lean to our own understandings. We love you, dearest friend-- son of Scotland and Ireland. Remembering your remarkable life today and always...
(click photo of white horse to watch N’s 3 minute Gaelic dirge with English translation)
"What shall I render to the Lord
For all His benefits toward me?
I shall lift up the cup of salvation
And call upon the name of the Lord.
I shall pay my vows to the Lord,
Oh may it be in the presence of all His people.
Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones. O Lord, surely I am Your servant, I am Your servant, the son of Your handmaid, You have loosed my bonds."
Psalm 116:12-16